31 October 2005

The Alito Nomination: Three hours in and we're already bare-knuckles brawling.

I must admit that I have not heard enough about Bush's nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, but already things are interesting. The Drudge Report, always interesting reading whether or not you agree with the slant, has a piece up about how Alito's nickname of "Scalito" (because he agrees with Scalia, get it?) is ethnically insensitive:
Meanwhile, the Democratic National Committee sent out talking points this morning titled: “Judge ‘Scalito’ Has Long History Of States Rights, Anti-Civil Rights, And Anti-Immigrant Rulings.” More from the DNC’s anti-Italian American talkers: “Alito is often referred to as ‘Judge Scalito’ because of his adherence to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s right-wing judicial philosophy.”

One outraged Republican strategist claimed, “If Alito were a liberal there would be no way Democrats and Washington’s media elite would use such a ethnically insensitive nickname. Italian-Americans should not have to face these types of derogatory racial slurs in 21st century America.”
To this I have to say, come on. But the real treasure of the morning is the fact that CBS News reporter John Roberts apparently referred to Alito as "sloppy seconds":
CBSNEWS Chief White House correspondent John Roberts described the President’s selection of Judge Samuel Alito as “sloppy seconds” during today’s press gaggle with White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan.

John Roberts: “So, Scott, you said that -- or the President said, repeatedly, that Harriet Miers was the best person for the job. So does that mean that Alito is sloppy seconds, or what?”

Scott McClellan: “Not at all, John.”

Sloppy seconds” is described in the United Kingdom’s A Dictionary of Slang as:

Noun: “A subsequent indulgence in an activity by a second person involving an exchange of bodily fluids. This may involve the sharing of drink, or more often it applies to a sexual nature. E.g. ‘I’m not having sloppy seconds, I want to shag her first.’”
I need to research this more; but if true, it would rank right up there with Howard Dean's recent accusations of Republicans playing "hide the salami" with Harriet Miers' legal record.

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