02 November 2005

Pluto, apparently, has three moons

Sky and Telescope reports that astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope (still producing real science despite being scheduled for decommissioning) have discovered two additional moons orbiting Pluto.

With even lowly Pluto sporting multiple moons, how can we be happy with just one? Perhaps we need, to use an annoying phrase I'm hearing a lot these days, "a new Apollo program" to get us another.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about if we count all the satellites and space debris orbitting Earth? Then we are way ahead of Pluto in the moon department.

Also, those are pretty wimpy moons, if you ask me. They are just tiny chunks of ice, hardly bigger than giant icebergs. Hey, just one ice shelf in Antarctica is bigger! We've got nothing to be ashamed of. Besides, Pluto isn't much to speak of anyway ...

11:46 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

True, too true...but I have to say I've always been captivated (ha! pun upcoming) by the notion of capturing one of those near-Earth objects and putting it in a low orbit. Would throw the tidal tables all out of whack, but it would be fun to look at. Maybe if I didn't live in such a light-polluted area and had the HST to watch fly by at night, I wouldn't feel so envious.

2:58 PM  

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